Since I can't celebrate Halloween anymore, I'm going to blog

I always suffer from a mild case of Halloween withdrawal symptom; after a whole month of candy, parties and cheesy decorations, November seems flat and uneventful. The prospect of taking down all the decorations I've painstakingly put up is like being faced with a basketful of wrinkled clothes to iron.

So this year, like the year before, I'm joining National Blog Posting Month and attempting to post to this blog every day in November. NaBloPoMo has grown to a yearly phenomenon -- you can pick any month to attempt your daily posting challenge, and bloggers are given a different theme for every month to guide and inspire them. But there's a special place in most bloggers' hearts for the original November NaBloPoMo, and I suspect the ranks of daily bloggers will swell this month.

Last year I blogged for all 30 days. This year I have more posts to write, more blogs to maintain. Will I make it? I don't know. But I'm sure gonna have fun trying.

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