Now playing in the kitchen, Nov. 16 episode

It's hard to believe that this is the last week in November. I was reeeelly starting to enjoy this meal-planning post. Maybe I'll make it a regular feature from now on (I said regular, not weekly; I hate "having" to do things!).

This week I think my theme will be "oven-baked". Thanksgiving is this Thursday, and we're doing the turkey thing with my sister's family and her husband's sister's family up in San Ramon. My oven will be busy all week anyway, what with the pies and casseroles I'll be whipping up, so it might as well do double-duty.

* Eggplant lasagna

* Tuna casserole/pot pie

* Cornmeal-crust pizza with red pepper strips and goat cheese

* Baked chicken parmigiana with spaghetti noodles and tomato sauce

I'm actually considering doing away with one of those dishes because the leftovers from Thursday will probably be enough to tide us through three Leftover nights. But which one? Hmmmm....

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