I heart the Shutter Sisters Photowalk

I joined the Shutter Sisters on their first-ever BlogHer Photo Walk last Saturday. I joined the lovely and talented Karen Walrond as she led her group through the streets of San Francisco's Chinatown. I had my mind full of tips from Me Ra Koh's excellent photo session, and I was trying to play with her aperture and time setting suggestions and keep up with the group at the same time. So I wasn't really looking for any Love Thursday photos and I certainly didn't expect to see any hearts around Chinatown. But we turned a corner there it was, amidst all the Chinese Character signs, a lone iron door, all red and curly. How could I not snap it?


  1. It's like love came and found you! Great picture. Happy LT

  2. Great shot--I'm so jealous that you got to go on the photowalk!

  3. What a perfect photo! Love the scrolled hearts. :)

  4. Good capture!!! I wanna a photowalk here in Barcelona.
    Kisses from Spain

  5. Gorgeous iron gate. Wish I could've join y'all on the walk!

  6. thanks for stopping by my page! this is a fantastic picture. honestly, i started at it for a minute, looking for the "love" and i think my eyes were looking for something GLARING and obvious and it was right there. maybe it's obvious for others but for me, my fave pix are the ones that make me really look.

  7. So happy that you made the photowalk...and found some love along the way :)
